Exploring the Influence of Product Variety, Customer Reviews, and Promotions on Purchase Decisions: A Study on Shopee Indonesia

Petra Yezkiel Tobing, Agus Fernando, Ph.D.


Purpose: This study examined the impact of product variety, customer reviews, and promotional strategies on consumer purchase decisions with the mediating effect of purchase intentions on Shopee, a leading e-commerce platform in Indonesia. The research also evaluates the implications of these factors in the competitive context of Indonesia’s e-commerce sector. Methods: A quantitative research methodology was employed, collecting data from 128 eligible respondents in the Greater Jakarta area using purposive sampling. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized for hypothesis testing, alongside statistical analysis using SmartPLS to evaluate the relationships among product variety, customer reviews, promotions, purchase intentions, and purchase decisions. Results: The findings indicate that product variety and promotional strategies significantly influence purchase intentions, with promotions being particularly effective in driving consumer behavior. Conversely, customer reviews did not show a statistically significant impact on purchase intentions in this study. Purchase intentions were strongly predictive of actual purchase decisions, emphasizing their mediating role in consumer behavior. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of product variety and promotional strategies in shaping consumer purchase decisions on Shopee. E-commerce platforms should prioritize personalized product recommendations and targeted promotions to enhance consumer engagement. Furthermore, the findings suggest that platforms like Shopee need to improve the authenticity and usability of their review systems to build consumer trust and foster long-term loyalty


product variety, customer reviews, promotional strategies, purchase intentions, e-commerce

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/ijfbp.v7i2.5775


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