The Impact of Performance and Job Satisfaction on the Retention of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan

Yefta Christian


This study explores the factors influencing the retention of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Taiwan in the context of the Long-Term Migrant Worker Retention program implemented by the Ministry of Manpower of Taiwan. The research aims to analyze the impact of employee performance and job satisfaction on PMI retention. A quantitative approach was employed, involving 200 PMI respondents in Taiwan. The findings reveal that employee performance has a partial influence on PMI retention, contributing 36.0%, while job satisfaction has a higher partial effect of 38.3%. When considered simultaneously, employee performance and job satisfaction account for 45.1% of the variance in PMI retention. Among these factors, job satisfaction exerts the most dominant influence, driven by opportunities for career development, competitive salaries compared to similar industries, and benefits and bonuses that align with employee expectations. These factors highlight the critical role of job satisfaction in enhancing the retention of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan.


Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Retention, Indonesian Migrant Workers

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