Rio Firnando, Roy Poan


Background/Purpose – This study analyses the implementation of social media marketing strategy for a culinary business in the case of Roti Tet Fai to increase sales.

Design/Methodology/Approach – This study use PESTLE and SWOT analysis, and we conduct an interview with the owner of Roti Tet Fai by asking a few questions, summarizing the conversation, and try to find the most suitable media promotion to meet the criteria by comparing several media from the previous study.

Findings – Roti Tet Fai has several main criteria for finding the ideal promotional media. The criteria include several factors such as target audience, return on interest, target area reach, and low cost. According to our findings, social media is the media that best satisfies the Roti Tet Fai requirement. Following that, comparisons were made to find social media that met the criteria, with a high target audience, the ability to post content, interact with customers, advertising features, editing tools, shop or marketplace features, and the efficiency to transact in one application being the preferred criteria.

Conclusion – Roti Tet Fai will choose TikTok, because TikTok is the most efficient and they meet all the promotional media criteria for Roti Tet Fai.


SME Business, Culinary, Bread Industry, Social Media Marketing, TikTok.

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