Sely Oktavia, Sonny Sonny


Along with the times, people's lifestyles and trends, coffee drinks are increasingly favored
by people, not only the older generation but also the Z generation as it is today. This
triggers the growth of the coffee business among the community such as cafes and coffee
shops. Babe cafe business analysis is carried out using the business feasibility method.
The business plan being developed is Cafe Babe, where the name Cafe Babe is an
acronym for the word "Batir Ngombe" from the Javanese language which means drinking
buddy. Cafe Babe's product marketing targets are the general public, especially
teenagers to adults. Cafe Babe expands the reach of its target market by promoting online
through the Instagram application. Cafe Babe targets to achieve revenue every quarter,
namely 5-15% of revenue for 5 years. Cafe Babe's business expects to reach the payback
period in the fourth year and will accumulate an NPV of IDR 463,014,409. with a return
on assets of 5% and a return on sales of 38% in the fifth year/ based on these positive
results, the Cafe Babe business is feasible to run. Cafe Babe's business expects to reach
the payback period in the fourth year and will accumulate an NPV of IDR 463,014,409.
with a return on assets of 5% and a return on sales of 38% in the fifth year/ based on
these positive results, the Cafe Babe business is feasible to run.

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