Experiences women SME entrepreneurs during Covid 19: a case in Indonesia

Agus Fernando


COVID-19 has impacted the business journey of SMEs worldwide and in Indonesia, where most of the economy is driven by SMEs. This article aims to construct an understanding of the impact created by the COVID-19 crisis. The author focuses on the capabilities and tendencies of women SME entrepreneurs in continuing their business. This research used the descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research was conducted in Bogor Regency, with a sample of 60 women SME entrepreneurs. Data was collected through respondents who were asked multiple-choice and open-ended questions when completing the survey. The study's findings include the resiliency of women SME entrepreneurs, their enthusiasm to contribute to the community during COVID 19, and their desire to seek and accept help from their colleagues. Furthermore, the author presents statistics describing women SME entrepreneurs, their experiences during COVID 19, and their actions to continue their entrepreneurial journey. The findings of this study shed fresh light on the resources and methods employed by women SME owners during COVID 19. The information was gathered at times of significant uncertainty for the entrepreneurs and when their availability was highly constrained.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/icfbe.v3i1.3756


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