Muhammad Dzikri Tesla Buwono, Leonnard Ong, Liza Nelloh


The growing market for personal devices has risen the focus of brands to provide a broader line of products of gadgets to be sold to consumers. Personal devices are the digital tools of productivity and is inseparable to their users in the current world that is transforming towards the digital age. During the coronavirus pandemic, people are switching from going to the office and working from home. In addition, people are realizing the importance of devices such as desktop computers and webcams that has risen in sales. The impact is that some these devices are more attractive than they are before the pandemic happened. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between Brand Experience, Continuance Commitment, Affective Behavior and Brand Loyalty. A survey based quantitative approach is conducted to test the hypotheses of the theories within the personal devices industry. These variables have already been studied to have connections towards brand loyalty. Purposive sampling was used in selecting the sample in this research. Purposive sampling is used because that the population in this research is the consumers of brands that manufactures personal devices as their products. During this research considerations used to determine sample in this research are community members from Indonesia PC Builders Forum, GeForce Community, PC Enthusiasts Indonesia who have purchased computer hardware, laptops, and desktops. And community members (Indonesia PC Builders Forum, GeForce Community, PC Enthusiasts Indonesia) who are within 20 to 35 years old.

To assess this issue, this quantitative research analyzed the relationships of the variables by surveying 150 consumers who has experiences of making their own decision when they purchased personal devices. By utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) as the analysis tool. The author expects the findings of this research to contribute towards futureresearch that observes similar variables and their relationship. And this research also offers additional guidelines to managers on how to improve and preserve brand loyalty of personal devices customers in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.

Keywords: Marketing; Personal Devices; Brand Experience; Continuance Commitment; Affective Behavior; Brand Loyalty

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