Mariani Amri


This study was held at Fajar and Tribun Timur offices in Makassar. This research is described
through texts, discourse practice, and socio-cultural practice by using CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) from
Norman Faircloughs’ model. The model includes textual level, discourse practice level, and socio-cultural
practice level. The type of this research is qualitative approach. This approach tries to get closer to what is being
studied, that is gender domination in Fajar and Tribun Timur daily newspapers. It aims at in-depth and holistic
understanding of gender domination in newspapers. Its flexibility is well suited to make interpretation to
describe the facts and the phenomena of gender in newspapers as the way they are based on the data found. The
research aims; to identify the domination of gender in Fajar and Tribun Timur daily newspapers, to analyse how
gender dominations are expressed in those daily newspapers, and to analyse the effect of gender domination on
news stories in those newspapers. The result of this research shows that Fajar and Tribun Timur daily are still
male dominated discourse in the news-making process which influences the news stories printed in those
newspapers. Gender domination in Fajar and Tribun Timur daily newspapers as a discourse has been proven to
affect our views on news stories text, news stories production, and socio-cultural practices.

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