FIRM Journal of Management (ISSN: 2541-3473 online) is an accredited (SINTA 3) scientific journal in the field of management that publishes scientific writings on pure and applied research as well as general commentaries on the development of theories, methods and related applied sciences. The Firm journal is managed by School of Management, President University.
Table of Contents
Nabila Putri Maharani, Endy Gunanto Marsasi
1 - 18
Bie Amelia Hutauruk, Ferry Tema Atmaja
19 - 29
30 - 48
Fenska Seipalla, Nadia Liem, Deorina Roully Gratia Siregar, Ardhin Martdana, Vip Paramarta
49 - 57
Mesya Natalia Manalu, Dedi Rianto Rahadi
58 - 67
I Gede Adi Indrawan, Juitaniaa Juitaniaa
68 - 82
Albert Theriono Lim, Lianto - Lianto
83 - 96
Edwin Setiawan Nugraha, Carlina Juliany Lantang, Mokhammad Ridwan Yudhanegara
97 - 107
Rachmi Satwhikawara, Ricko Prasetyo, Genoveva Genoveva
108 - 121
Tiara Whidi Suci Sukohadinoto Putri, Filda Rahmiati
122 - 139
Staenly Staenly, Dimas Teguh Ramadhan, Viranda Agus Wijayanti, Purwanto Purwanto
140 - 150
Lauw Sun Hiong, Stivenes Tjin Siam, Sharrens Huang
151 - 163