JIE (Journal of Industrial Engineering): Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System, (Online ISSN: 2527-4139; Printed ISSN 2503-3670) is an accredited (SINTA 4) scientific journal in the field of industrial engineering that publishes scientific writings on pure and applied research in industrial system. The journal is published by President University in March and September.
This journal covers industrial engineering issues, including (but not limited to): production system, Inventory management, quality control & management, work system analysis, product design, optimation, and productivity.

Vol 9, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Bahtiar Rahmat, Wahyu Widiyanto, Agung Ari Purwanto, Arip Wijayanto, Soleh Muhamad, Desy Mulyosari, Nurmadina Nurmadina
Denartha Randhika, Ir. Andira Taslim M.T.
Nicolas Hutasoit, Galih Prakoso, Zain Amarta
Hery Hamdi Azwir, Jsslyn Jsslyn, Herwan Yusmira
Muhammad Ilwas fathyudha, Indro Prakoso, Ayu Anggraeni Sibarani
Mohamad Toha, Adi Saptari, Anastasia Lidya Maukar