President University

President University

President University is one of the best private universities in Indonesia (accredited A).. President University offers strong international learning and research environment.

President University open journal system hosts all journals and proceedings published by the University. The journals and procedings scopes cover multidisciplinary study in the field of science, technology, business, and social sciences.

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IDEAS: Journal of Management & Technology

IDEAS: Journal of Management and Technology is a peer-reviewed journals devoted to the publication of original papers and serve as a forum for practical approaches to improving quality in issues pertaining to technology management, innovation, and related fields. The goal is to bring the highest quality research.

E-ISSN: 2808-1803


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International Journal of Family Business Practices

The International Journal of Family Business Practices (IJFBP) is open access and biannual double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Numerous family enterprises are based around the legend of an entrepreneurial founder who has stood firm in the face of difficulties. The IJFBP widens the scope to look beyond this interrelationship by exploring the creation of family business, which includes the entrepreneurial tenets, mindset, and processes of the family business and its transgenerational sustainability. The scope of the journal covers various sectors including (but is not limited to), retail, tourism, wealth planning, digital business, among others. All the articles published in English. Submissions are open year-round. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript is written in English to comply with the focus and scope of IJFBP and follows the guidelines and templates of authors. 

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IT for Society

IT For Society (ISSN 2503-2224); E-ISSN 2527-595X) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal published by President University. The journal has a scope relevant and related (but not limited) to information technology and information system.

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