Sandy Darmowinoto, Hadi Suprayitno


According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 Year 2012 on Higher Education, quality assurance system in Indonesian higher education institutions is established through three (3) means: Internal quality assurance, external quality assurance and higher education database system. Higher education institutions are allowed to design their own internal quality assurance system. However, higher education institutions often stumble in the process of designing an internal quality assurance system that works for them. Eventually they find it difficult to consistently implement the internal quality assurance system that they have created and gain little advantage from the system. In 2019, President University was among the several universities selected by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to mentor several other higher education institutions who needed help in implementing internal quality assurance systems in a mentorship program known as “Program Asuh Menuju Prodi Unggul”. A part of this program is a hands-on training session for internal quality assurance key personnels that aimed at helping them in writing internal quality assurance documents. To check whether the training program is effective, a pre-test and post-test were given to every participant, and the result showed that at the end of the training program, all participants have better understanding on how to design and apply internal quality assurance system.

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