Ihsan Hadiansah, Neilany Edwina, Slameto Slameto, David Maraharja


On of the implementation of the higher education quality enhancement is the existence of the internal quality audit improvement that becomes a part of the monitoring and evaluation process of “Tridarma” in the higher education institution. The sustainability of the “Tridarma” process in the higher education institution is very much determined by the process of quality assurance development. Within of the practical assistance discussion through the internal quality audit workshop activities, it is expected that we are able to create a high understanding of practical insight about the internal quality audit. Active learning approach was selected on the purpose of establishing a sense of responsibility and a strong engagement between PT Asuh as a facilitator with all participants from PT Asuhan 1, PT Asuhan 2, PT Asuhan 3, PT Asuhan 4, and PT Asuhan 5,. Upon participation in the workshop activities, each participant has been able to have a high understanding of planning and executing the process of internal quality is also expected that each participant is able to run a sustainable internal quality audit process as a form of improving quality in a higher education institution.

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