Evaluation on Merauke Drainage System in Overcoming Flood-Prone Areas
people's activities. One of the worst floods happened in 2019, where flooding damaged vegetables and crops, impacted
the city's economy, and later caused economic inflation. Therefore, a study evaluating the drainage system in Merauke
city is needed to overcome this issue. This study was conducted through a field survey and literature study with data
that varies from hydrological, elevation, and hydraulics data. Hydrological data includes yearly rainfall data, and
hydraulics data consists of the drainage network and designs. This evaluation will then result in the normalization of a
drainage system. This study found that the capacity of the current drainage system is 10.815 m3/s, where this drainage
capacity cannot accommodate the amount of flood discharge plan. Also, the existing drainage system is missing a
component that was not built in the first place, affecting the drainage's capacity. Therefore, a normalization of the
drainage system is needed to avoid flooding.
Full Text:
BPS Kabupaten Merauke, “Merauke Dalam Angka 2012,” Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Merauke, 2012.
Info Publik, “Banjir di Merauke Alami Inflasi,” Portal Berita Info Publik, 2019.
Kumparan News, “Kota Merauke Juga Dikepung Banjir,” 2019.
Bappeda Kabupaten Merauke, “Gambaran Umum Seputar Kabupaten Merauke,” Papua Province Official Website,
Direktorat Jenderal Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, “Visualisasi Data Kependudukan,” Direktorat Jenderal
Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kementrian Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia Official Website, 2021.
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 2415: 2016), Tata Cara Perhitungan Debit Banjir Rencana, Badan Standardisasi
Nasional, 2016.
V. T. Chow, Open Channel Hydraulics, Tokyo: Kogakusha Company, 1959.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/pcej.v1i1.4244
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