Prototype of Eco-Pounding Machine with Snail-Disc Mechanism and Electric Motor Drive | Hendrawan | Jurnal Teknik Mesin dan Mekatronika (Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics)

Prototype of Eco-Pounding Machine with Snail-Disc Mechanism and Electric Motor Drive

Ashton Bradley Hendrawan, Marvel Mahadi Setiawidjaja, Ramses Maur Ragaventrand Aiboy, Kushendarsyah Saptaji, Farid Triawan


Eco-pounding is becoming more prevalent in the fashion industry, especially among Small Medium Enterprises. However, its manufacture process is slow, tiring, and injury prone. This paper proposes an eco-pounding machine design using a so-called snail-disc mechanism and electric motor drive. Its structural strength is analyzed per component in terms of static and fatigue analysis. From static analysis, the key is the most critical component with static safety factor of 18.1 Meanwhile, from fatigue analysis, the shaft is the most critical component with fatigue safety factor of 99.2. All components have an infinite life.


eco-pounding machine, snail-disc, structural strength analysis.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/jtmm.v9i1.4842


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