Implementation of ambidextrous leadership for increasing revenue

Chita Oktapriana, Radityo Adi Asmara


The potential of MSMEs to contribute to the acceleration of economic growth in Indonesia is increasingly evident. The dominance of business conducted in the market makes MSMEs have various challenges for the sustainability of their business, one of which is to ensure a long-term increase in business turnover. The need for leaders who can create employee agility and employee innovative performance needs to be considered. This study aims to experiment with 26 MSMEs regarding the implementation of an ambidextrous leadership style and its impact on increasing business income. Before the experiment, MSME leaders were given training related to the ambidextrous leadership style. After the training, a PISCES analysis was conducted to ascertain the improvement that occurred after the implementation of ambidextrous leadership. Furthermore, related to testing experiments to increase business income, a t-test was conducted using income data before and after the implementation of ambidextrous leadership. From the results of the t-test, a significant increase was obtained as evidenced by the sig (2-tailed) result of 0.333 on MSME business income. Furthermore, from the results of the PISCES analysis, it was found that the average answer was 49.5% strongly agree for each indicator of the successful implementation of ambidextrous leadership. This is evidence that the implementation of the ambidextrous leadership style is important to ensure the growth of business performance and ensure its sustainability.


ambidextous; revenue; MSMEs; sustainability

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