Beauty Expert System to Determine the Skin Problem and the Treatment for Patient at Jasmine Clinic

Cindy Himawan Himawan, Shinta Bomi


As people get busy, they want fast and easy
service. This also applies to skin services in beauty
clinics. The patient wants ease in terms of determining
the type of facial skin problem and what treatments are
appropriate for them. However, due to the limited
number of dermatologists, patients often have to wait a
long time to be examined and sometimes even cannot be
served due to limited schedules. This expert system is
based on how doctors determine the type of facial
problems in patients and what treatments are
appropriate for the problem. By using a mobile
application, this system can be accessed by patients from
home, making it easier for patients to get a quick and
accurate examination. This application was built using
the forward chaining method where later patients will
answer questions that are used as a decision branch to
determine the skin problem. Eventually the patient can
make the required treatment and skin care needs and
take them to the clinic.


Sistem Pakar, Forward Chaining, Beauty Clinic, Mobile Application

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