Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja(KIR)is a youth club doing a
research work.YSC in Senior High School X is one of the
scientific papers work in a year produced. Total 90
scientific papers work collections currently they had
since 2014. The number of scientific paper works will be
increasing since this club is currently in great demand by
students and has a good record of achievements. The
result of scientific paper works YSC in SHS X mostly
printed, then store at chemistry laboratory and library.
Meanwhile for the digital files, only the club adviser and
YSC members (who created scientific paper works) save
the digital files on their respective devices. So, the digital
files scattered across various devices make storing and
finding files a tough process.Based on that problem,
this thesis intends to solve the problem by developing a
web-based repository system to help sustain the digital
asset of YSC in SHS X.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/itfs.v6i2.4526
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