Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Vocational School Graduates

Agus Fernando, Ph.D.


Introduction/Main Objective: This research examines entrepreneurial intentions among graduates of Vocational School, focusing on entrepreneurial resources, networks, passion, ecosystems, education, family background, and self-efficacy within the retail business sector. The study aims to identify factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions to promote entrepreneurship as a career path amid high unemployment among vocational school graduates in Indonesia. Background Problems: Indonesia faces high unemployment rates, especially among vocational school graduates. Despite skill-building efforts, many struggle to find employment or pursue entrepreneurial opportunities due to limited support systems, networks, and exposure to entrepreneurship education. Understanding the factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions in the retail sector is crucial for addressing these challenges. Novelty: This study is the first to apply a comprehensive model integrating entrepreneurial resources, networks, ecosystems, passion, self-efficacy, family background, and education to analyze entrepreneurial intentions among vocational students, offering new insights into shaping entrepreneurial aspirations. Research Method: The study used a quantitative approach, analyzing data from 987 students with a sample of 460 respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, including regression and structural equation modeling (SEM), were employed to test hypotheses. Findings/Results: Seven out of eight hypotheses were supported, showing that self-efficacy, family background, entrepreneurial education, passion, networks, and ecosystems positively influence entrepreneurial intentions. One hypothesis was rejected, indicating entrepreneurial resources do not significantly impact self-efficacy. Conclusion: The research highlights the importance of self-efficacy, family support, education, passion, networks, and ecosystems in fostering entrepreneurial intentions, providing a framework for schools to promote entrepreneurship and reduce unemployment.


entrepreneurial intentions, vocational education, retail business, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial ecosystem

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/ijfbp.v7i2.5774


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