Enhancing Organizational Performance in Jakarta's MSMEs: The Role of Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement
Introduction/Main Objectives:This study explores the relationship between work satisfaction, employee engagement, and organizational performance in the MSME sector in Jakarta. It aims to analyze how leadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction influence these outcomes, emphasizing their importance in enhancing MSME effectiveness. Background Problems: MSMEs are crucial to Jakarta's economic growth, yet they often struggle with employee engagement and performance issues. Limited research exists on the interconnected impact of leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational culture within this context, leaving a gap in understanding how these factors contribute to MSME success. Novelty: The study offers a novel approach by examining the interplay between leadership style, work satisfaction, organizational culture, and employee engagement, providing a comprehensive framework for improving organizational performance in Jakarta's MSME sector. Research Methods: A quantitative research methodology was employed, with data collected via Google Forms from 189 respondents in the Jakarta area using a purposive sampling technique. Analysis was conducted using AMOS and IBM SPSS to ensure statistical rigor in examining the relationships among the studied variables. Findings/Results:The results indicate that leadership style, job satisfaction, and organizational culture significantly shape employee engagement and organizational performance in Jakarta's MSME sector. These findings highlight the critical role of these factors in driving overall effectiveness and success. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of leadership style, job satisfaction, and organizational culture as key drivers of employee engagement and organizational performance in Jakarta's MSMEs. By focusing on these elements, MSMEs can enhance their operational efficiency and achieve sustained growth.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/ijfbp.v7i2.5771
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