Crafting Success: Innovations in Virtual Training for Sustainable Family Business Growth in Retail, Tourism, and Digital Ventures

Nurul Ratna Setiawati, Felix Goenadhi


This research aims to learn about the efficacy of training for video content creators and how such training can contribute to developing a more successful and positive community, As video material grows more and more popular on many platforms, there is a growing need for customized and flexible teaching methods. The research investigate how the policies and practices of the platform affect the potential of creators to develop sustainable communities. This study solves a research vacuum by offering an innovative synthesis of comprehensive virtual training for those who create video content. It does this by merging audience engagement tactics, community building, and technical expertise in a way that is distinct from other approaches. The research used a mixed-methods approach, including a case study examination of effective virtual training programs for creating video content and a survey of the literature to identify major problems. Academic journals, reports from companies, and personal experiences from interviews with experienced content producers and online training instructors have been employed as data sources.  The integration of relevant and high-quality material significantly contributes to the development of a vibrant group of video content producers. Additionally, the investigation reveals that effective community maintenance is positively influenced by strategic communication and involvement tactics, such as proactive social media outreach and local engagement activities.  

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