Recently, there is a controversy of e-commerce through social media towards micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia. E-commerce has emerged to be one of the most successful business models that have provided numerous benefits to businesses in the global era. This kind of innovation will enhance the selling and distribution of the sellers, on the other hand, this also will impact the real sector, particularly the offline stores. The business owners claimed that their business is in jeopardy, and this is mostly caused by the fact that consumers are most likely switching their purchase behavior to shop through e-commerce. The government made some regulations to ban some social media which is used for e-commerce to comply with new rules in Southeast Asia's biggest economy. The regulations are aimed to help protect local physical and online retailers. This research aims to get comprehensive results on the impact of E-Commerce through social media. The method of research is using the qualitative method. Journals and Articles also contribute some good information to support this research. Based on the research, e-commerce has an impact on the sustainability of MSMEs (including the use of social media for online shopping), however other factors such as: price, locations, quality, punctuality, convenience, are contributing to the significant impact. This is also related with consumer behavior nowadays and convenience is one of the key factors why e-commerce has received much attention lately and is growing significantly.
Keywords: offline store, online shops, qualitative method, e-commerce, MSMEs
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Indonesia Digital Outlook 2022, APJII
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