Analisis Sektor Usaha Kecil & Menengah Menjadi Model Kewirausahaan Sosial Berbasis Ekonomi Kreatif

Dedi Rianto Rahadi


Social Entrepreneurship is a concept of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) that prioritizes social
activities by empowering the surrounding community. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can be
involved to be part of Social-entrepreneurship, to support economic independence of society. To
support the sustainability of SMEs as well as a more global reach can be used creative economic
approach of each sector conducted SMEs. It aims to sustain SMEs for a long time and become the
foundation for the Indonesian economy. The purpose of the research is to conduct SME analysis to be
part of social entrepreneuship based on creative economy. Quantitative research methods (descriptive
statistics) and qualitative (interactive analysis models), where data collection is done by observation,
in-depth interviews, and approach of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal). The results show that local
governments fully support the existence of SMEs, especially the handicraft sector, by providing
facilities to change policies and funding assistance. Some craftsmen already have the concept of ideas
and creativity in improving product quality, it is seen from the innovation of products developed.
Society, government and community of artisans support the existence of creative economy-based
social entrepreneurship in order to support the improvement of the economy. To support the
sustainability of creative entrepreneurial based on creative economy requires the involvement of
government, entrepreneurs, communities through ongoing assistance with policy support siding with

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