Value at Risk Calculation of Digital Bank Stocks Portfolio in Indonesia

Steffany Indra Gunawan, Fauziah Nur Fahirah Sudding


Nowadays, stock investment has been increasingly growing in society. In investing activities, there are risks that may be experienced by investors. However, sometimes many investors do not realize how much risk that they might suffer in the future. One way that can be done to measure this risk is to calculate the Value at Risk (VaR). This study aims to calculate the VaR value of digital bank stock portfolio in Indonesia. The calculation of VaR will be done using two methods, include the Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo Simulation method. From the calculation, VaR with Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo sequentially generate results of IDR 6,006,718 and IDR 10,797,904 for 99% confidence level, IDR 4,135,857 and IDR 5,376,949 for 95% confidence level, and IDR 3,219,885 and IDR 3,417,553 for 90% confidence level. Based on the results, it is found that VaR result is directly proportional to the confidence level used. Through the calculation results, it also found that VaR value with the Monte Carlo Simulation method are greater than those with the Historical Simulation method.

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