J48 Tree Classification and Simple K-Means Clusterization on the Behavior of Academic Community in Accessing Internet for Bandwidth Management Plan

Imron Iswanto, Abdul Ghofir


Abstract The purpose of the research was to review the
improvements in internet usage behavior by the academic
community at a university which consisted of favorite website
variables, the amount of internet bandwidth capacity used and
the time spent accessing the website. The research was
conducted in a population of 200 lecturers and 5267 students.
Internet bandwidth mapping is carried out using two methods of
the J48 tree classification algorithm and simple K-Means
clustering contained in the WEKA software. The results of this
study are for the purpose of mapping internet bandwidth,
determining internet service provider load balancing,
classification and clustering of favorite websites based on time
duration which can affect the use of existing internet bandwidth
capacity systems.


bandwidth, internet behavior, WEKA, J48 Tree, K-Means

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/itfs.v8i2.4822


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