Asty Damayanti, Suresh Kumar


This study aims to analyze the marketing strategies employed to increase rice product sales at CV Surya
Agro Tani, focusing on the company's use of the 7Ps marketing mix framework (Product, Price, Place,
Promotion, People, Process, Physical Environment). Additionally, the research employs a SWOT analysis
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies and to
propose actionable recommendations for enhancing sales performance. This study was initiated in response
to a significant decline in rice sales over three consecutive months, driven by both internal and external
factors. Through this analysis, the research contributes to both academic literature and practical solutions
for overcoming such challenges in the agricultural industry. The study provides valuable insights for
agribusinesses like CV Surya Agro Tani, demonstrating how an effective use of the marketing mix,
combined with a well-structured SWOT analysis, can be leveraged to improve sales performance. The
findings suggest that companies in similar contexts can adopt an aggressive strategy to capitalize on their
strengths and external opportunities, offering a roadmap for reversing declining sales trends. The research
also highlights the broader social impact of effective marketing strategies in the agricultural sector,
particularly in helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) like CV Surya Agro Tani thrive despite
market fluctuations. By improving sales, such businesses can contribute to local economic stability,
employment, and food security. This study is unique in applying the 7Ps marketing mix and SWOT analysis
specifically to the rice market at CV Surya Agro Tani. It offers a novel contribution to the academic
literature on marketing strategies in the agricultural industry, as prior research has predominantly focused
on other business sectors. Furthermore, it provides practical insights that can be applied to similar
agribusinesses facing comparable challenges.
Keywords: Marketing Strategy, 7Ps, SWOT Analysis, Sales Performance, Agribusiness, CV Surya Agro
Tani, Rice Products

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