Genoveva Genoveva, William Milenius


Despite being the fourth-largest shoe exporter in the world, Indonesia faces a unique
challenge: a lack of domestic consumer trust in local products. This study explores the
role of social media as a promotional tool in fostering customer trust, which in turn
influences purchasing decisions. The objective of this research is to examine the impact
of social media, influencers, and content on customer trust and purchasing decisions
regarding local sneakers. A quantitative research approach was employed, interpreting
and describing the data within the current context. Data were collected via a questionnaire
distributed to 287 respondents, and the responses were analyzed using SMART PLS. The
findings indicate that social media, influencers, and content positively influence customer
trust and purchasing decisions. Customer trust significantly mediates the relationship
between content and influencers on purchasing decisions; however, it does not
significantly mediate the relationship between social media and purchasing decisions
Keywords: Social Media, Influencer, Conten, Customer Trust, Purchase Decision.

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