As an archipelago with diverse cultural and culinary riches, Indonesia has the same challenge in terms of
efforts to maintain traditional foods in the modern era. Roemah Pempek began introducing Palembang
pempek through this food stall and trying to maintain all culinary traditions in Indonesia. A recent study
in 2021 proved that 87% of the population agreed and preferred local specialties. King et al.'s opinion
finding out, customers come to the pempek factory and see various pempek sold at the stall.
Roemah Pempek aims to provide the best services at an affordable price while ensuring the excellent quality
of the food. The commitment to quality and authenticity of the food is the primary professional value that
ensues in the desire to provide customers with a satisfactory culinary experience. Through commitment to
excellence, Roemah Pempek seeks to preserve and promote the authenticity of pempek in the face of the
spread of the modern culinary industry.
Keywords: Indonesia, Traditional cuisine, Pempek, Palembang
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