Ni Luh Putu Agustini Karta, Stephanus Remond Waworuntu, I Nyoman Susila


Arak Bali is a traditional alcoholic drink that has been known for generations since the days of the Hindu kingdoms. This research aims to analyze the roles of stakeholders in governance and strengthening the local wisdom product brand Arak Bali as an inclusive business supporting tourism in Bali. It is hoped that strengthening strategy of the local brand will increase the competitiveness of Arak Bali in penetrating the global market. This quantitative research employed the SEM PLS analysis. The sampling technique used in collecting respondents was purposive sampling, with a total of 162 respondents, consisting of primary and secondary stakeholders, namely tourism actors, MSMEs / Balinese Arak artisans, distributors, the community, academics, government, and law enforcement officials. The findings of this research show that the role of stakeholders can mediate the brand strategy of the local wisdom product Arak Bali into a community-based (inclusive) local product with international competitive advantage. This research demonstrates that the local wisdom product Arak Bali has quality and international competitive advantages

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