Nabila Hastiya Ramadhanti, Sonny Vin Sutedjo


Along with the increasing number of diabetes sufferers in Indonesia, especially West Java, this has led to an increase in demand for gluten-free food. Potatoes, a primary food in several countries, can be processed into delicious gluten-free food such as ramen. By combining Indonesian people’s favorite Japanese cuisine with the gluten-free based ingredients and creating Potamen (Potato Ramen) this is expected to help people live healthier lifestyle. This analysis will be conducted using the business feasibility technique to ascertain whether a business can run. Potamen's primary target market is people with gluten-intolerant or celiac disease, Gen Z, and Millennials who prioritize a healthy lifestyle. From a marketing perspective, we have considered Potamen promotion, particularly social media such as TikTok or Instagram, paid celebrity advertisements, banners, brochures, and other marketing channels. According to Potamen's financial research, the company will have a payback period of roughly two years and nine months, with an initial investment of IDR 700,000,000. With all these positive financial indicators shows that Potamen business proved feasible for the long term.

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