Politics Entertainment di Media Online: Analisis Pemberitaan Bakal Calon Presiden Pemilu 2024 di Detik.com
This research aims to describe Detik.com's reporting regarding Presidential Candidates who will compete in the 2024 Presidential Election. This topic is important because so far media reports seem to only be a place for "shows" that are more oriented towards the candidate's positive image. whereas the public needs to know the capabilities and qualities of a candidate. The research analysis is related to the concept of political entertainment, usually abbreviated as politainment, namely media reporting that combines elements of politics and entertainment. The research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method. There are two news stories from each candidate studied, in the period May to June 2023. News analysis was carried out using the framing approach of Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M. Kosicky. Data collection methods were carried out using news observations, Detik.com editorial interviews, and literature studies to enrich research findings. As a result, elements of politainment can be seen in the candidate's activities aimed at forming a positive image. These include hands-on operation or blusukan, morning jogging, walking in narrow alleys, stopping by homes, greeting residents, visiting sick residents, small talk with children and parents, watching football with moms, and watching football on a cellphone screen while wearing a sarong. Another finding was that candidate news was packaged descriptively, with a sociological reality orientation, emphasized the warm welcome of citizens to candidates, made the candidate the sole source, and quoted from the candidate's posts on social media.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/exp.v6i2.4911
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