Indonesia Cyber Security Development: The Analysis Of Infrastructure, Regulation And Institutional Building (2007-2015)

Elsa Faradilla, Anak Agung Banyu Perwita


The issue of current global cyber threats and attacks has been around taking International Relation study’s attention. As the development of Information Communication and Technology advances, the issue of current global cyber threats and attacks becomes no longer state-level issue only. Individuals and almost all layers of community play part (government institution, education institution/community and business entity). At this point, the role of government takes the utmost important part. Government has choices to put effort in resolving the current global cyber threats and attacks, in the form of cyber security infrastructure development, implementation of the regulation or policy, and role of the institutional building that handling cyber security.This particular research centered upon the effort of Indonesia in resolving current global cyber threats and attacks by analyzing the cyber security infrastructure development, implementation of the regulation or policy, and role of the institutional building that handling cyber security. The time frame taken is from 2007-2015. Qualitative method will be used by this research in order to examine and explain the analysis in narrative order supported by some pictures and tables. The research seeks to conclude that how far the development of Indonesia cyber security in resolving current global cyber threats and attacks.

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