Pengenalan Budaya Daerah Di Pulau Jawa Berbasis Multimedia Dengan Pendekatan Computer Assisted Instruction

Siti Nurajizah, Sela Novriyanti


Information technologies is one of the factors supporting success in education world. Learning cultural variety is one way to grow up patriotism. In learning process, would be boring if only based on a guidebook. New innovations in learning as necessary. Innovation and creativity required to create a learning more fun. Computer uses as a medium learn make the atmosphere learning more active, creative and fun. A method of CAI ( computer assisted instruction ) can be applied in the establishment of application the introduction of culture in java. The basic concept of CAI is the interaction between students with the computer can be make more motivated students, enthusiastic in understanding what application made .The introduction of the local culture on the island of java is an alternative to create a new in learning.

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