RPLiDAR-Based Mapping in Development of a Health Service Assisting Robot in COVID-19 Pandemic

Zulfan Jauhar Maknuny, Sami Fauzan Ramadhan, Arjon Turnip, Erwin Sitompul


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, robots with various functions in the health sector are growing, one of which is autonomous robots capable of supporting logistics, drug and food delivery, and monitoring the environment. In this study, a map-based indoor navigation system was developed on health service assisting robot based on LiDAR and Robot Operating System (ROS) platform. The robot with the SLAM GMapping algorithm was succeeded to perform mapping with an accuracy of 95.983%. Then the robot with an automatic navigation system using the AMCL Particle Filter algorithm for localization was succeeded to perform localization with an error of 1.3377 on the x-axis and 1.2109 on the y-axis and 45,72570 for orientation on the z-axis. And succeeded to do trajectory tracking using the move_base package for path planning with an error of 1.6477 on the x-axis and 0.4498 on the y-axis when moving towards the target coordinates.


autonomous navigation, LiDAR, mapping, localization, trajectory tracking

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/icsecc.v1i1.4171


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