Reducing Bending Defect Using Taguchi Optimization Method

Johan K. RuntukK, Velidia Situmorang


This research aims to reduce the bending defect in injection molding machine. Taguchi optimization method is employed to determine the best parameter setting for the machine. The factors used in the experiments are cooling time, injection pressure, and injection speed. The findings revealed that the most significant factor that affects warping/bending is cooling time. The optimum parameters setting based on the analysis are cooling time at level 1 (20 sec), injection pressure at level 3 (55 bar), and injection speed at level 1 (12 mm/s). The confirmation experiment is also conducted by using the optimum parameter setting based on the analysis result. Finally, the Taguchi loss function shows that the production cost decreases from Rp. 348,326,- to Rp. 25,109,- for each product.


bending defect, Taguchi, parameter setting, production cost.

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