Social Network Analysis of Knowledge and Actor Relations: A Case Study in KLG IT Department

Evelline Kristiani, Tubagus Ahmad Marzuqi, Dana Indra Sensuse, Sofian Lusa, Nadya Safitri, Damayanti Elisabeth


IT department is often relied on as business activities enabler. To be able to do that task efficiently while also continuing to innovate, knowledge is necessary. KLG is one of the retail business players in Indonesia; currently their IT department is in effort to capture various types of important knowledge. Unfortunately, it experiences stagnation. What the IT department have now is a file repository, so where to start to implement a more comprehensive solution like Knowledge Management? To better understand the current pattern of communication influenced by its unique culture and structure of the organization, this research uses Social Network Analysis (SNA) one-mode network and bipartite graph. The visualization and analysis of the social network were performed using tools called Cytoscape. From total of 10 IT-side actor nodes and 5 business-side actor nodes, it was found connection value between actors. FA and PM get identical results due to being indistinguishable by other actors. FA/PM got the highest score followed by IT Ops & Support at betweenness (1.0993, 1.0369) and stress centrality (796, 698). At closeness centrality, Ops & Support (0.8750) took the lead, followed by FA/PM (0.7778) and developers (0.7778). In addition to the analysis of the actors’ relationships, potential knowledge contributors and actors’ interest in different types of knowledge are also identified. Further research will describe how knowledge management strategies are shaped based on these findings.


social network analysis, one-mode network, bipartite network, knowledge management, project management

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