Spatial Data Modelling for Irrigation Canal Development using Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5 Method

Anastasia Lidya M aukar, Erri Wahyu Puspitarini, Anik Vega Vitianingsih, Morinda Rori Rosalina, Fitri Marissa


The development of irrigation canals is one of the optimal ways to increase food production. These efforts could assist farmers in using water to increase the production of agricultural products, especially rice. The purpose of the discussion of this paper is to determine the classification of areas that are necessary or not in the development of irrigation canals based on Web-GIS technology. The Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5 method is used in the spatial data modelling process based on land type, rice productivity, water availability, water demand, and rainfall parameters. The results of spatial data modelling with the Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5 method get an accuracy value of 83%, which states that this method is recommended for further research with the same data behaviour. The benefits of this research can be used as a policymaker to determine the priority of irrigation canal development based on the danger of drought level with a high category.


spatial data modelling, irrigation canal development, decision tree, C4.5 method, Web-GIS

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