Improvement of Transfer Trolley Driving System as Material Handling Based on Battery Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Method

Damar Sasangka Djoewanata


The most important part of increasing productivity in a company is the ability to successfully material handling used. At PT XYZ there is an important process in moving plates from the warehouse area to the material preparation area, especially using a transfer trolley as material handling. The current transfer trolley has several obstacles when operating such as roll cables that are often tripped around resulting in unstable main electrical systems and even transfer trolleys that often suddenly stop due to overloading. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of transfer trolley design in accordance with user needs using the QFD method thereby improving transfer trolley utilities. The method used starts from determining user needs and ends with the calculation of the motor drive system, along with the transfer trolley concept drawings. The results obtained on the concept of the drive that has been determined using the QFD method is the transfer trolley using the battery as the main source. Calculation of the motor used is 2 kW (2 Motors), as well as the required battery capacity of 12 KWh with operational capabilities of the transfer trolley for 5.28 hours per day.

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