Machinery Healt Monitoring System with Arduino

Abdul Ghofir, Enda Phramoedya


Machinery safety is the most important aspect
needed around manufacturing or other engineering equipment.
Machine guarding provides a means to protect humans from
injury while working nearby or while operating equipment.
Machinery that has rotary part such as turbines, pumps, fans,
rollers, are needed to be monitored to report the vibration
whether they are safety or not. Thus the preventive action is
needed to ensure the safety of machinery before being used. This
paper is about the monitoring system for machinery health
which is developed with Arduino. It detects the vibration from
the machine and information to mobile application. The
information may include the vibration pattern, acceleration (g)
value, recorded event, and also gives alert via mobile application
in the form of vibration and ringtone.


Arduino, Mobile application, Alert system, Machinery

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