Development of Web Based Quotation Price Information System at PT Toyota Boshoku Indonesia

Mufida S Pakaya


Abstract - PT Totoya Boshoku is a company engaged in
manufacturing that produces Interiors and Seats, etc.
PT Toyota Boshoku acts as a supplier that sells the
products it makes to several regular customers. In
making an offer from the seller to the buyer there
is a quotation document still using a simple
information system or manual calculation with a
method that will certainly take a lot of time. Errors in
inputting also often occur because many files must be
opened to enter the results of process calculations
into it.
This study aims to try the implementation of a new
quotation system, which is a website-based system
designed with a neat and easy-to-understand user
interface so that it will be much more efficient in its use.
This system is open source using the PHP framework
called Laravel for easier and faster results


Development Web-base, Quatation Price information System, PHP

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