The Influence of Social Media Ads, Endorser, and eWOM on Purchase Decision of Erigo Customer Mediated by Brand Awareness: A Case in Erigo Indonesia

Gabriella Putri Arista, Roy Poan


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the components that influence purchases of Erigo products. This research model involves brand awareness as a mediator between social media advertisements, endorsers, and electronic word of mouth in Erigo's purchase decision.


Design/methodology/approach – This research employs quantitative methodologies. This research used non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling and the snowball sampling approach. A total of 254 valid responses were obtained. To meet the objectives of this study, an analysis was undertaken utilizing the Structural Equation Model for hypothesis testing (SEM).


Findings – The results show that social media advertisement, endorser, and electronic word of mouth is significantly influencing the brand awareness, and brand awareness also significantly influences the purchase decision of Erigo products.


Originality/value – The originality of this study is the first research integrating social media advertisement, endorser, and electronic word of mouth, mediating by brand awareness on purchase decision of Erigo products.


Keywords –


Social Media Advertisement, Endorser, Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Awareness, Purchase Decision

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