A Review of E-commerce As Part From the Excelence Movement Theory in Hospital Management System

Fenska Seipalla, Nadia Liem, Deorina Roully Gratia Siregar, Ardhin Martdana, Vip Paramarta


The e-commerce market in Indonesia has experienced substantial growth over the years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. With advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), numerous companies, including hospitals, have altered their operational methods and customer interactions. This paper aims to investigate the application of e-commerce as a constituent of the Excellence Movement Theory within Hospital Management Systems. The review methodology involves conducting a literature search on relevant material pertaining to the core issue at hand. The findings illustrate how implementing an e-commerce platform within hospitals can enhance administrative processes' efficiency, improve patient care quality, and generate additional revenue from sales of healthcare products and services. Additionally, several challenges associated with utilizing an e-commerce platform in hospital management systems are addressed in this discussion. By incorporating e-commerce into hospital management practices through this review process, it can become an essential element of Indonesia's excellence movement strategy for managing hospitals effectively.


Hospital management, E-commerce, Excelence movement, management system, contemporary management

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/firm.v9i1.5040


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