Swita Amallia Hapsari, Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi, Naiza Rosalia


Recently, every aspect and sector affected by the pandemic effect. Education sector as one of the essential part is totally shutdown and switch to online system. Hence, many school and campus prepare the teaching-learning tools to accommodate the activities. Moodle as one of the learning model system is commonly use by the institutional. Because of the friendly tools and low cost maintenance. Dian Nuswantoro University create the custom moodle namely KULINO. As for learning model during pandemic, Kulino provide the complete feature to make an interaction between lecturer and the student. Moreover, the discussion group as a forum to interacted to each other must be filled by the student. In order to create the active learning eventhough accommodate by online. This study is aims to describe the role of discussion group to create the interactivity in teaching-learning activity. The theory that applied is Interaction and Communication Theory by Borje Holmberg. To obtain the primary data, the researcher is used interview and observation technique. Meanwhile to collected the secondary data, the researcher uses the literature studies. The result of this study shows that the discussion group can accommodate the interactivity for the students when teaching-learning. In particular, the lecturer leads the discussion and give the assignment so the student will follow the instruction and submit the discussion to the forum.

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